Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans' Day

On November 11, 1918, all became quiet on the Western Front, as the armistice was signed that effectively ended the First World War, or as it is still known in Europe, The Great War; great in terms of the unimaginable destruction and death it caused.  Today, November 11 is the day we remember and give thanks for all those, living and dead, who have served and are serving today in the defense of our country.

A Prayer for Veterans
Lord our God, look favorably on all those who have served, and are serving, this nation in our armed forces.  We thank you for your presence with them in their service.  Help them and us to remember their fallen comrades, that the sacrifices we honor this day may never be forgotten.  Let the light of liberty, and the love of justice and mercy burn brightly in the heart of this nation, through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for remembering, I think, as most Christians do, that we need to be in constant prayer for our Country, Veterans and Soldiers every day.